You Are Not Alone in Olympia Washington
by Colleen Gillespie, CTFA, AIF®
As we look in the rearview mirror at 2017, we celebrate what a great year it was for the stock market, and the brighter light at the end of the economic tunnel. Globally, economies are growing, but at a manageable pace where a recession isn’t a forecasted concern. The outlook for 2018 is cautious optimism, sprinkled with probably more volatility than what we witnessed in 2017. We will keep you updated if we see any stormy weather ahead.
Now, as we navigate the new tax reform law and decipher its implications for us personally and professionally, I find great comfort and gratitude that we work with many professionals that we count on to answer difficult questions.
Two of our friends, Brent Dille, a local estate planning attorney at Dille Law, PLLC, and Armour & Associates have offered their respective insights into the fast and furious analysis and “what to do’s” steaming up the internet as a result of the passage of the tax reform law passed before Christmas. Brent shares his thoughts on the impact of the new tax reform law on estate and charitable planning. Christy Upton, staff accountant, and Paul Maloney, CPA, from Armour & Associates, PLLC, provide information on the initial issues you may all have regarding the new tax reform law. Please read their articles and reach out to them if you have questions.
We are lucky to have many fine professionals in our area that are very skilled in walking clients through this maze, and what strategies, if any, you should consider moving forward. As always, we encourage you to notify us if your situation changes, and we can work with your legal and accounting professionals to devise a consistent plan that meets all your needs. If you don’t have professionals you work with, we’d be happy to assist you in finding the right fit.