End-of-the-Year Money Moves in 2022
Here are some things you might consider before saying goodbye to 2022.
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Here are some things you might consider before saying goodbye to 2022.
Do your clients and prospects understand how compound interest might help or hinder them in their investments? Teach them with our new article.
Throughout the business day, finance experts and internet economists weigh in on the direction of our economy and whether we’re headed for a recession or whether inflation or even stagflation, will be the soup du jour. Like most things in this digital age, you can usually find a source to agree or disprove your thesis on these matters, but we want to try and cut through the noise and share some insight into where we think the economy, interest rates, and the markets are headed.
What is more difficult to experience - making an investment and watching it decrease in value, or selling an investment and watching it increase in value? It is a tough question and there are feelings hardwired into our brains that make you react the way you do when these situations happen.
Every year on Black Friday, countless people go into a frenzy seeking discounts on the latest TV or gaming system. This is because humans are hard-wired to herd, making it difficult to go against the crowd. The problem with herd mentality is that the crowd is not always right
Looking ahead in 2021, we’ve recently developed our investment thesis for the year. After each spending numerous hours in Zoom meetings, watching webinars, and reading reports by market and economic analysts, we are still bullish that the markets will produce a positive return this year. We see opportunities in international equities and emerging markets as vaccinations increase across the globe. We still see growth in US equities, although different sectors may outperform the previous leaders of the pack. In the near term, an additional economic stimulus package will give another shot in the arm (pun intended), to the US economy as we recover from lockdowns and look forward to reopening.